Medicaid pay to double for Florida primary care physicians

Primary care doctors who provide services to Medicaid patients may experience significant fee increases starting in January 2013, when an Affordable Care Act provision to boost Medicaid pay rates to Medicare levels goes into effect for the next two years.

Rhode Island doctors, for example, will see primary care fees go up by nearly 200% on average. For New York state, the overall increase will amount to 156%, and in California, 136%, according to a 50-state survey conducted by the Urban Institute on behalf of the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. In three other states — Florida, Michigan and New Jersey — fees also are expected to more than double for primary care physicians that qualify for the increase.

Read the full story here.

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Ken Hughes, President. Ken is a 20 year veteran of the commercial real estate industry and has represented everything from fortune 500 companies to locally owned and operated small business ventures. He has worked for one of the nations largest publically owned healthcare investment companies as the Leasing Director for their Southwest Florida portfolio. During that time, it became evident that the area was lacking in companies which focused exclusively on assisting the healthcare industry in their leasing, purchasing and selling of medical office space. He has worked with publically owned hospital systems, large specialty practices and individual practitioners and is well versed on the specific needs of medical office space users.